Tuesday, August 22, 2006

How To Write For The Web

When I first started freelancing, I knew that the internet would be a primary portal for my work. As such, I read everything I could get my hands on about web content writing and how to improve my work so it would catch the attention of an internet audience. I've compiled the following tips that have helped me on my web writing journey. I hope they prove useful to you, as well!

I can't tell you how many times I've heard "Keep it short," when it came to writing for the web. While it's true that a reader's attention won't last for long on a webpage, provided you are presenting the information in an interesting and informative fashion, length doesn't necessarily matter. If you compile all of your material into a concise, easy to read piece (think bullet points, lists, you get the idea,) and draw the reader in with a catchy hook, your audience won't think about the length of the article.

Keep in mind -- just because you're writing for the web does not mean you can skip proofreading! Please, do not add to the proliferation of poor content on many websites these days. You are a writer! This means that you must take the proper time to proofread, edit and revise your work as necessary. Don't attemp to proofread all of your work in one sitting, especially if it's a longer piece. Letting the article sit for a day or so and returning to it with clear eyes can yield much better results.

If you have any additional tips to add, please feel free to to drop me a line via e-mail, or start a discussion in the comment section. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Warm Regards,



At 4:43 AM, Blogger Enter for a chance to earn 1 BTC said...

Thank you for the tips ^^, you are the best .


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