Thursday, June 22, 2006

Freelance Writing Links (Continued)

Hello, fellow readers. It's been a busy week so far, and it's not over yet! Here's a few helpful links to get you through the weekend.

Writer's Weekly A great writing e-zine packed with information about paying markets, writing resources and a variety of other information to help with your career.

Sun Oasis A wealth of freelance writing jobs you can apply for. Updated frequently.

The Burry Man Writers Center An informative, excellent listing of freelance opportunities around the web.

Writing World I just came across this website today, and it looks quite promising. It offers a blog, job postings and forums for writers as well as many other resources. Check it out!

Write from Home I absolutely love this website. With tons of handy information all about freelance writing, this website is sure to become a bookmarked favorite.

There you have it for now. Best wishes!


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